The selection below are books that come recommended by our artist-writers. We have teamed up with three major booksellers to offer you a comprehensive selection of the best books on art and history available. The majority of these books are sold on Amazon, for every book we sell Amazon gives us a tiny commission which goes toward hosting fees for our site.
By Her Hand: Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy, 1500-1800
Forever Seeing New Beauties : The Forgotten Impressionist Mary Rogers Williams
I Am the Most Interesting Book of All: Diary of Bashkirtseff
Matisse the Master: A Life of Henri Matisse: The Conquest of Colour
Russian Icons, 14th-16th Centuries: The History Museum, Moscow
Spreading Canvas: Eighteenth-Century British Marine Painting
Women Artists - Recognition and Reappraisal from the Early Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
A Mediated Magic: The Indian Presence in Modernism 1880–1930
Beyond the Easel Decorative Paintings by Bonnard, Vuillard, Denis, and Roussel, 1890-1930
Masters of Venice: Renaissance Painters of Passion and Power
Ateneum Art Museum: A selection from the international collection
Women's Rooms: Art from the collection of the Museum of Finnish Art Ateneum from 1840 to 1950